

One of the most important functions of BRLF is to strengthen and facilitate the work of civil societies working in the livelihoods sector in its mandated region of operation. BRLF provides funding support to its partners through an elaborate selection process and a formal approval from the Project Grantee Selection Committee (PGSC). BRLF funding has a unique feature. It funds only the support cost (e.g., Human Resource Cost, Capacity Building Cost, Capital Cost etc.) of an organization while ensuring that the organization receives co-financing and leverages its programme cost from government and other private sources. BRLF has this unique funding pattern because a large number of organizations in the sector face issues in generating funds for their HR and operational expenses. BRLF in its endeavour to support unique and innovative projects also gives funding for various pilots and initiatives to CSOs. See details of current partners here.

Through its funding BRLF is supporting a number of smaller CSOs who are working in some of the most difficult terrains with some of the most vulnerable and deprived communities of our society. BRLF not only provides financial support but also technical support to its partners to ensure that the participants of the project receive the maximum benefits of the efforts of BRLF and its partner CSOs.

The BRLF team along with its Board members has half yearly and annual visits to project locations of its CSO partners for monitoring and evaluation. Towards timely and transparent monitoring and evaluation of its projects, BRLF has developed a special software, AID 360, in partnership with Tata Consultancy Services (TCS). BRLF and TCS have provided technical assistance to the BRLF partners in ensuring ease of use of the system. The partners and BRLF can use this software for tracking the progress of projects.